Find the bus schedule for the 6 Lewis / Selby line from MTA Flint, serving Flint, MI. Check the latest schedules for weekdays, Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays to plan your trip and avoid inconvenience.
Get the most accurate and up-to-date information about the 6 Lewis / Selby bus schedule from MTA Flint. Our tool provides all the details you need to ensure a stress-free journey in Flint, MI.
6 Lewis / Selby Bus Schedule – MTA Flint
Check the weekday, Saturday, Sunday, and holiday schedules for the 6 Lewis / Selby line below:
Remember to arrive early at the bus stop and check if there are any changes to the schedules provided. If you have any questions, please contact the responsible public transportation company.
Data collected by
The bus schedules were collected and updated by the website, which aims to facilitate access to up-to-date information on public transportation.